CALLING all young people in P7 and St. Aiden’s High!!
on16th September 2017
STAY IN ME Having witnessed the St. Aidan’s High Sion Mission Showcase in 2016, we were so impressed by the depth of faith expressed by so many of our young folk here in St. Athanasius’ through music, dance, poetry, photography, mime and art, that we thought this was an experience worth building upon right here in the parish. And so, the origin of our name: ST. ATHANASIUS’YOUTHINMISSION ANDEVANGELISATION.
We begin again on Wednesday 27th September, the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, from 7 to 9pm in the Church Oratoryinviting all young people in P7 and High School to come along one evening each month to explore their faith. The evening will include fun and games which are faith-based icebreakers derived from the STAY IN ME experience and have been chosen carefully by the team of adults planning each event. The icebreakers help everyone to enjoy getting to know each other and encourages the young people to be confident in participating. Following the scripture, scriptural video and prayer section there is also a creative fun element such as artwork, poster-making, food, action hymns/playing hymns whenever the young people bring their instruments along. We hope this helps explain something of the enjoyment found in STAY IN ME experience Please watch the bulletin and notice board for updates.
Parents, please encourage our young folk to come along for another evening full of fun and faith. See the poster in the porch