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In our prayers

Please remember in your prayers our sick and housebound:

Helen Kelly, Chrissie Kelly, Mary Canning, John McConville, Roisin Daly, James Sloan, Karen Forbes, Mary Kelly, Betty McCann, Ann Martin, Walter Britton, Raymond Gallagher, Maureen Campbell, John Wilson, Peter Daly, Patricia Clisby, Una Delaney, Isobel Gardner, Lynett Moses, Mary Whitcombe, John McKernan, George Wisdom, Joan McKay, Liz Paton, Michael McKay, Anne Marie Reilly, Maurizio Puricelli, and Irene Kane.

May God grant eternal rest to those who have recently died and whose month’s mind and anniversaries occur at this time:

Father Naughton, Martha Penman, Charles Meehan, Frank Murphy, Dick Haddow, Teresa Dunn, and Jamie Duncan